NEW ARRIVALS – Page 2 – Independent Indian Publishing House


  • A short treatise on the art of tactical warfare, set in the Boer War (1899-1902), this classic piece of military fiction was published by Major General Ernest D Swinton when he was still a captain in 1904. The appropriately named Lieutenant N. Backsight Forethought (BF), a rookie commander of a platoon of fifty is tasked with defending a river crossing—Duffer’s Drift. Manifested in six dream scenarios and actions of a mortified BF, who learns a series of “lessons” at his expense, his final unconventional defence succeeds in routing the Boers. The book quickly acquired cult status on small unit tactics, and armies across the world have had it on their required reading lists for subsequent generations of young officers, including in India. It has also been translated into several languages. Swinton's style of literary fiction significantly impacted the writings of several authors in the military arena. While some contextual advice may be dated, the emphasis on critical thinking remains relevant, and the principles are evergreen. A must-read
  • The man eating tiger has speed, agility, muscle power, lightning reflexes and a ferocious killer instinct. It weighs 500 lb. The man has a cool head, a sure eye, a rifle and two brass cartridges. He weighs only 160 lb. The tiger growls, bursts out of the long grass, and launches itself . . .
    This was the drama that played out in the life of the legendary writer and conservationist, Jim Corbett, on several occasions. For him, the hunt was not about trophy tiger skins, or for the prestige of being a famous shikari – but to save lives when a man eater was on the rampage. Born in Kumaon, Corbett grew up in the jungle. He was well versed with its laws, and heunderstood its language. This hunter of the man eaters went on to become a die-hard conservationist, working to preserve and promote the majestic tiger. He harboured a great love for India and its people – of all castes and creeds, which is evident through all his writings.
    In a novel inspired by Jim Corbett's life and writings, author and conservationist, Harnihal Sidhu tells the epic tale of India’s most famous tiger hunter and conservationist. Corbett's journey was a difficult one, with moments of wild joy, suffering and heartbreak. 
    Burning Bright  is not a biography, a formal history or an academic study. It is a gripping tale told by a charmed storyteller, based on the life of a great man. Sometimes, the shortest road to the clearest view runs through the land of fiction.