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  • "Would you believe it if you were told that a lot of all that appetizing, supposedly nutritious food you enjoy eating so much is actually slowly, stealthily poisoning you, your children, the earth's entire environment? Chances are you won't believe it. The truth is, its happening on an ever large scale But how is that possible? In this book, a chef and scientist blow the lid off a huge, shameful conspiracy. Can this major threat to our health and that of the planet be combated? Yes, it can, but only if you become aware of how you're being cheated, of how several scientists, officials, pharmaceutical and other companies, even sections of the media, blinded by big money are conniving and misrepresenting facts, wantonly destroying in one stroke the bounties of nature's precious heritage and endangering the very future of planet earth. The Great Health Scam brings you the real, shocking story..... "
  • In December 1971, one of Pakistan's most decorated officers. Lt.-Gen.A.A.K. Niazi, laid down arms before the invading Indian army, leading to the dismemberment of Pakistan. Was Tiger Niazi a coward, a hero, or the victim of an unjust fate? In this candid account of General Niazi breaks 26 years of silence and volunteers his own version of the events of that fateful year.
  • This has every little detail any angler would dream to ask!The size, layout and production of this delightful book makes it every angler's essentail companion.
  • This book, covering the European part of the Second World War, stands as one of the masterpieces of military history.
  • Street without Joy is an objective and poignant account of the French involvement in Vietnam and its subsequent retreat.
  • This three volume set on silviculture of trees stands unparalleled in time for its scope and significance.
  • This is an intimate biography of the hero of Kargil, Captain Vikram Batra. It tell us the story of the braveheart, from his childhood to how through sheer courage and bravery, he won the war for India and also made the nation proud.
  • It describes the revolt in Arabia against the rurks, as it appeared to an Englishman who took part. Round this tentpole of a military chronicle, T.E. lawrence has hung an unexampled fabric of portraits descriptions, philosophies, emotions, adventures, dreams. He has brought to his task a fastidious scholarship, an impeccable memory, a style nicely woven of oxfordisms and Doughty, an eye unparalleled...a profound distrust of himself, a still profounder faith
  • "This book tells the real history of Adolf Hitler's doctors based on the remarkable secret diary of his physician Professor Dr. Theodor Morell and other papers. The Morell Diaries vanished in 1945. But turned up in 1981 in the National Institute of Health in Maryland in the United States of America which transferred them to the National Archives. Was Hitler clinically mad? What diseases laid him low in 1941 and 1944 - at crucial moments in his nation's history? British historian David Irving was the first to find, identify, transcribe, translate, and publish these vital records. The extraordinary diaries of Hitler's doctor and the accompanying dossier on his ""Patient A"" refute many wartime legends bout Nazi Germany's Dictator. "
  • Here is the story of a hero , the story of young Jonathan, the Commander of the Entebbe Rescue Force, who gave up his life in Operation Thunderbolt to rescue passengers of the plane hijacked by international terrorists.
  • "Conservationists might set out with very different objectives: preservation and recovery of rare and threatened species - as with rhinos or bustards, sustaining a steady supply of useful products for human use - as with fisheries, or even eliminating threats to human life of livelihood as in the case of rodent pests or man-eating tigers. None of these objectives, however, can be effectively met without a clear understanding of how wild populations of these species function. The necessary knowledge can come only from the application of rigorous science, which involves sampling, modeling and estimating animal populations. Even with such reliable knowledge in their armory, conservationists must face social challenges in application of this science on the ground and in the policy arenas, in which not everyone may share their goals or values. This volume contains 26 articles by the author written in collaboration with other leading biologists, quantitative ecologists and conservationists. It boldly explores a complex terrain that spans ecological theories to social practices. It is a useful guide for those practicing science-based conservation. "
  • This book is the first independent assessment of the Sardar Sarovar Project. Its findings and conclusions are of significant importance to environment policies of the future.
  • It's a deft Hindi translation of Jim Corbett's most adventurous tale of his encounter with a very notorious leopard in Rudraprayag.
  • This is a beautiful leather bound large format limited edition of the Roget's thesuarus for book lovers.
  • Rod in India

    The book is aimed at naturalists and sportsmen alike and presents in simple language the natural history of fish found in India.The author has attempted to impart a love of Natural History to fisherman and to gain amongst them more friends for pisciculture in India. The book is considered to be a bible on Indian fishes and fishing in India. The text is accompanied with ninety-six illustrations to help you recognise easily what you have caught besides a chapter on fishing localities that one can go to, experiences anyone can have and knowledge that can be put to good use.
  • ‘Roars and Trumpets’ is the story of a man’s life-long and obsessive passion for the jungles and his helpless surrender to the compelling call of the wild. Spanning a period of half a century, Gurpreet Singh’s love affair with the jungles of India begins in the North West Frontier Province in the pre-Partition days of the British Raj and ends in the forests of Assam, where he spent his entire working life as a tea-planter. The book conjures up a by-gone era, taking us back to the days of plenty, the never-ending stretches of wilderness, the vast jungles and the compulsive lure of the hunt where man and animal engage in a deathly game of survival and try to outwit each other. It is compulsory reading for all jungle lovers who have been hankering for hunting tales and jungle lore in the tradition of Jim Corbett and Kenneth Anderson.
  • The book presents introductory material on the principles of remote sensing and contains descriptions of image interpretation methods. It discusses the techniques of computation and evaluation and also the application of the data for resource management.
  • "This volume addresses how the leadership of China and the PLA view what size of PLA best meets China’s requirements. Among other things, this analytical process makes important new contributions on the question of PLA transparency, long an issue among PLA watchers. A great deal of emphasis has been put on understanding not only how, but also why a military modernizes itself. Some of the determining factors are national policies and strategy, doctrine, organizational structure, missions, and service cultures."
  • This is a detailed account of the daily observations and recordings of the victory in South-east Asia against the Japanese and the great role of Maj-Gen Wingate. This book shows how the joint forces collaborated to achieve victory.
  • Remote Sensing, No longer a novel technology, has served now for survey and mapping of natural resources for a great many years and in india for at least a decad. In india its principal and most useful applicatiopns have been in the identification of vegetation in tha mapping of surfave geological structures and the ground water exploration. This book presents in its earlier chapter much introductory material on the principles of remore sensing and contains descriptions of image interpratation methods. The later chapters discuss the techniques of computiontion and evaluation and also the application of the data for resource management.
  • This book calls for speed and stealth in military action. It states the case that in the emerging era of asymmetrical warfare, where threats emerge faster than we can expect and in a variety of ways, we need to be ready for a new form of warfare.
  • This is the best book on military psychology ever written!
  • A blistering narrative of an important battle in the Korean War, which lasted for 48 hours at a stretch.
  • Giap's book is now an evergreen bestseller!
  • This book defines the meaning of leadership and brings together the ideas of leading world thinkers to give the reader an understanding of the virtues and tenets of how to become a leader.
  • The 1965 conflict between India and Pakistan may not rank among major wars, but within their limited resources, the two nations did manage to fight each other to a standstill. This book has perspective as well as detail. Major General Shaukat Riza visualises each aspect of the war in its entirety and does justice to al the operations carried out in course of the war.
  • Here is the official report of the Pakistan army for the 1947-49 operations.
  • This book lays out the scientific , legal, political and cultural struggle to defend the sovereignty of biodiversity and indigenous knowledge. Corporate war on nature and people through patents and corporate Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has unleashed an epidemic of biopiracy, including important legal battles of fighting biopiracy including neem, wheat and basmati which are synthesised in this book. It is the first detailed legal history of the international and national laws related to biodiverity and IPR. The attempt to 'enclose the commons of biodiversity and biodiversity related knowledge through patents and intellectual property rights ( IPRs) is the final step in the series of enclosures that began with the rise of colonialism. The recovery of the commons through the reocgnition of common creativity of nature and people, paves the way for a future beyond piracy and monopoly, it wakes us to the origins of life in nature and knowledge in culture. It sows the seeds of shared abundance.
  • This book is a brilliant personal 'history', as the author was always reluctant to call his work a historical one. He was a staff officer for most of the war brokering some significant conversations between Eisenhower and Montgomery during times of tension between these two strong willed commanders.
  • On War

    On War has been a staple text for military generals who have led their armies in battlefield across centuries since its first publication in 1832. It is also an essential rule book to achieve success in any field and thus remains a classic.
  • On the Trail of a Lion is a unique, first-hand and often chilling account of the turmoil in Afghanistan over the past 20 years, an exposé of the heroes and the villains of the history and a most human story of one man, Ahmed Shah Massoud, and his vision for his country. The book concludes with an analysis of Afghanistan in the turbulent post-Massoud era.
  • The renowned writer Compton Mackenzie sets out on the uneasy and difficult task to define moral courage in this intellectually stimulating read.
  • This biography movingly protrays the planning and implementation behind the greatest invasion the world has ever known - Operation Overlord.He describes the whole plan behind D Day and the battle of Normandy.
  • "This charming book first published in 1927 and now reprinted more than eighty years after provides the little known historical and descriptive account of the quintessential lake town of Naini Tal tucked away in the lake district of the Kumaon region and surrounded by seven hills. From an uninhabited landscape of the Himalayan mountain range to a peaceful hilly hamlet for the English,Naini Tal metamorphosed into a thriving hill station in a very short span of time.Much of the history of this quaint hill station is intertwined around the chronicles of several developmental activities undertaken during the Victorian and the Edwardian period. The book provides an interesting history, with details of the fauna and flora of the region, in addition to rare insights into the sociological,geographical and architectural background of the place. The author,J M Clay,was Deputy Commissioner of Naini Tal."
  • This is an elegant coffee-table book in black and white of quotations by and on Mahatma Gandhi. It also has quotations by people on Gandhi who met him. It is interspersed with photographs from the Gandhi archives in New Delhi. Its an inspirational book for all with a foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
  • This book is one of the best books written on the 1965 war.It offers a comprehensive understanding of the roots of Indo-Pak conflict. Fcousing on the 1965 war, this book begins with discussing the game plan of the major world powers that affected the Indo-Pak War. It offiers a very useful and informative account of the lineage, growth, weaponry, ethos, and operational doctrines of the Armies and Air Forces of India and Pakistan. The easy style and quick pace of the book make it stand out among other books on the war.
  • This book is an inpsirational lecture by Field Marshal The Viscount Montgomery of Alamein on Military Leadership. It a short yet precise and extremely motivating.
  • This book is essential reading for any forest officer.
  • An excellent translation of the evergreen "MY INDIA" by conservationist and naturalist, Jim Corbett.
  • A slim and crisp biography of Marshal Zhukov.
  • A fascinating autobiography of the master tactician and the Soviet hero of World War II.
  • A complete and in depth biography of Manstein.
  • Maneuver warfare can be thought of as military judo. Its about fighting smart, out thinking your opponent. It offers the fighting soldier the best hope of winning battles, campaigns and wars they may face in the future.
  • Essential reading for every forest manager, this book offers a critical exposition of the classical principles, methods, and silvicultural systems - imperative reading for all forestry students.
  • Milroy's book is now something of a bestseller on the treatment of elephants.
  • This is a handguide for all Public Information officers on the RTI Act, in hindi.
  • "Dating back several centuries, Nangiarkoothu is a rare form of classical Sanskrit theatre from South India that is performed only in the temple, and only by a female solo artiste. Teyyam another art form from Kerela is a sacred folk ritual dance performed from December to April where it is believed that the spirit of the local deity enters the performer's body. Legacy Keepers is a meticulously research and beautifully produced book that is a moving journey of discovery into the hearts of the passionate artistes who perform rare classical and folk dances in remote corners of India and keep the heritage alive. They have broken boundaries, stereotypes, old caste or gender based societal structures to emerge as performers who fight the odds to preserve India's ancient culture."
  • This book is essential to understanding the impact of dams on development. It analyses the costs of the construction of dams like Tehri and their impact on the environment, the feasibility of such projects, their impact on irrigation and power. It highlights the effects of dams on agriculture, the revenue return from power generating and the cost of power. It provides a powerful evaluation of large dams in the context of ecological and sustainable development.
  • Jim Corbett's books on man-eating tigers are not only established classics, but also almost in a separate literary category by themselves. "Man-Eaters of Kumaon" is the best known of his books.This is the hindi edition of the same.
  • This book provides an indepth account of the war that divided the Korean Peninsula and left an ever-lasting scar.
  • This is a captivating account of the war in Korea.. It was a war in which full scale Chinese army clashed for the first time with a western one. Communist Psychological warfare techniques were used but above all, it was a war bedevilled and complicated by power struggles between generals and statesmen.
  • This is a chatty memoir about travels across the Indian jungles, written more than sixty years ago.
  • Jungle Lore is the closest Jim Corbett ever came to an autobiography. In this book, one sees the real soul of a man and his love affair with the people, jungle, and animals of the Kumaon hills. This is the hindi edition of the book.
  • The noted military historian Maj. General D.K. Palit analyses one of the most innovative battles in modern times: battle for Italy in WWII.
  • Col Sheppard has produced an immensely readable and workman-study in which he does justice to the courage and endurance of the troops of many nations who fought their way to final victory in Italy and the skills of the German Armies they defeated, as it brings into focus the interplay of operational, strategic, political, national, and personality considerations all of which had their bearing on the conduct of this campaign.
  • Popularly known as the 'Desert Fox', Erwin Rommel earned the respect of both the sides because of his stature as a master strategist during World War II.
  • Popularly known as the 'Desert Fox', Erwin Rommel earned the respect of both the sides because of his stature as a master strategist during World War II.
  • In two volumes, this useful book deals with extraction, conversion, and marketing of timber, wood structure and properties of wood, wood improvement and physical and chemical treatment, and derived products of wood. It looks at uses of wood, minor forest products, important minor forest products industries, avoidance of waste and identification of timber.
  • Here is the bare Act, for use by all forest officers.
  • In this collection of short stories, India's favourite storyteller retells India's forgotten folktales. Have you heard of Hiranmantota, the kind's most trusted parrot who was betrayed by his master? Or of a Yakka, a creature with the face of a horse and the body of a woman? Do you know which prince married a monkey?Or about the queen who was actualy a rakshasa?Join Ruskin Bond on a fascinating journey where you will encounter generous kings and handsome princes, evil rakshasas and an angry Lord Shiva, a wise parrot and a scheming crane, a clever crab and a talking white elephant. The stories, told with Bond's sparkling wit, are a treasure trove of fun and wisdom, fables of the perrenial battle between good and evil in which the wise always win.
  • This book is an enthralling treasure house of exciting jungle trails.
  • General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, a distinguished army officer, led USA to victory in the First Gulf War. This book tells the story of his eventful life. A must read for all those interested in military history and stories of leadership.
  • "This work is a chronicle of all aircrew killed either in accidents or during operations in the aircraft of the Indian Air Force including those from the Indian Army, the Indian Navy as well as the foreigners. These pages also include names of those Indian air warriors, who perished either while on deputation with other agencies like Indian Navy, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Aviation Research Centre, Helicopter Corporation of India, etc. and while serving with the Royal Air Force or when undergoing flying courses abroad. This book has recorded all casualties that occurred right from the inception of the Indian Air Force, 8 October 1932, till 31 December 2012 - a span covering the period of the first 80 Years of the Indian Air Force. This work is the author's humble tribute and homage to these air warriors. "
  • "These and more important questions are answered in this book. How to be a Successful Leader has become a textbook on leadership in India. This unique book talks about strategies to help you identify your leadership strengths, achieve your goals and increase your self-confidence, become a team player and strengthen cooperation among associates, balance work and leisure, control your worries and charge your life. It is important for a leader to motivate other to excel, build the team's self-confidence, provoke positive change, set direction, encourage smart risk-taking, manage with tough empathy, credit others for one's own success, increase self-awareness, and most importantly draw strength from adversity. "
  • This book scrupulously chronicles the German defeat at the hands of the Russians.
  • This book is the official history of the operations in World World 2 as per the Brtish records.
  • This controversial book, written by Brigadier J P Dalvi, laid bare the caustic truth behind Indian crushing defeat in the hands of China in 1962.
  • Written by an offcial of the British Raj, this an enjoyable accont of the jungles of Central India.
  • What most hailed as a superb revolution- Vandana Shiva seems most cynical about – India’s Green Revolution. This book argues for diveristy rather than monogamous agriculture as the answer for sustainable progress.
  • "This book covers a wide spectrum of issues in the vast domain of Ground-Based Air Defence. The selection of topics reflects their contemporary relevance. Some of these include 'The Unmanned Story', the amazing growth journey of Ballistic Missile Defence, Stealth and Counter stealth, Alternate Kill Options beyond Hard Kill, key trends in Integrated Air Defence, Battle Management and Control Systems, Power of Simulation, Future of Gun Ammunition and more. The book also contains a Status Commentary on the abiding duel between Air Attack and Air Defence, in the eternal Cause-Effect Cycle. The book will be of immense value to every professional soldier in general and every Air Defence Warrior in particular. "
  • This book emphasizes the need for a successful understanding of silvicultural systems for efficient forest management.