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Natraj Publishers continues to be committed to quality publishing. As specialists in forestry and wildlife, we are devoted to the cause of conservation and are active participants in the dissemination of useful information to help protect our environment for future generations. We have brought back into print some wildlife classics that have not been available for over forty years. Works by Dundar Brandar, Troup, and Champion and Seth are now readily available with Natraj. Current nature writing and books on ecological issues feature on our current and backlists. We are proud to be the publishers for books by leading thinkers like Dr. Vandana Shiva, Dr. Rajesh Gopal, Dr. Ullas Karanth and Dr. A J T Johnsingh.
Our Defence Division is dedicated to bringing out books of interest to army officers, military historians and analysts. Our most recent books include biographies and reprints of military classics. In collaboration with the Ministry of Defence, we have published the official histories of the 1947-48, 1965 and the 1971 wars between India and Pakistan, available to readers for the first time. Books on defence issues, military biographies and theory of war and tactics feature on our lists.
Natraj is proud of the success of its popular trade imprint Etch, that focuses on publishing well-produced, popular titles. Under Etch, we have published Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Franck Pavloff, Margaret Atwood and more recently Mahatma Gandhi. We are touched by the wonderful response we have received for our publications under Etch and hope to adhere to the standard we have set. Etch has now ventured into childrens’ literature and we are overwhelmed with the response to our books!
Natraj is what it is today, because of a hard-working team and the support and encouragement we receive from our readers, for which we are most grateful.
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A graduate of the London School of Economics, Divya Arora has grown up around books.
Our mission is to bring out well-researched and well-produced books for our discerning customers.
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