ISBN : 978-818158-189-1 Category : Author :

The Pegasus Diaries: The Private papers of Major John Howard DSO


Major John howard’s name will long be remembered and revered for his daring and charismatic leadership of the sensational and important coup de main Pegasus Bridge operation. The Pegasus Diaries make the fullest use of John Howard’s writing with significant input from his daughter Penny Bates. We are left to judge him on his merits but, whatever the verdict; there is no denying his courage, achivements, honesty and humanity.

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22.2 x 15 x 1.4 cm




22.2 x 15 x 1.4 cm


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ISBN : 978-818158-189-1 Category : Author :

The Pegasus Diaries: The Private papers of Major John Howard DSO


Major John howard’s name will long be remembered and revered for his daring and charismatic leadership of the sensational and important coup de main Pegasus Bridge operation. The Pegasus Diaries make the fullest use of John Howard’s writing with significant input from his daughter Penny Bates. We are left to judge him on his merits but, whatever the verdict; there is no denying his courage, achivements, honesty and humanity.

ISBN 978-818158-189-1 Category Tag
ISBN: 978-818158-189-1 Category: Tag:
ISBN: 978-818158-189-1 Category: Tag:
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