ISBN : 978-014310-998-3 Category : Author :

Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror


For General Michael Hayden, playing to the edge means playing so close to the line that you get chalk dust on your cleats. Otherwise, by playing back, you may protect yourself, but you’ll be less successful in protecting America. “Playing to the Edge” was Hayden’s guding principle when he ran the National Security Agency, and it remained so when the CIA.  In his view, many shortsighted and un-informed people are quick to criticize, and this book will give them much to chew on but little easy comfort. It is an unapologetic insider’s look told from the perspective of the people who faced awesome responsibilties head-on, in the moment – which is to say, in the wake of 9/11, a major war, and sweeping technological change.


Sale in Arrangement with Penguin Random House India

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ISBN : 978-014310-998-3 Category : Author :

Playing to the Edge: American Intelligence in the Age of Terror


For General Michael Hayden, playing to the edge means playing so close to the line that you get chalk dust on your cleats. Otherwise, by playing back, you may protect yourself, but you’ll be less successful in protecting America. “Playing to the Edge” was Hayden’s guding principle when he ran the National Security Agency, and it remained so when the CIA.  In his view, many shortsighted and un-informed people are quick to criticize, and this book will give them much to chew on but little easy comfort. It is an unapologetic insider’s look told from the perspective of the people who faced awesome responsibilties head-on, in the moment – which is to say, in the wake of 9/11, a major war, and sweeping technological change.


Sale in Arrangement with Penguin Random House India

ISBN 978-014310-998-3 Category Tag
ISBN: 978-014310-998-3 Category: Tag:
ISBN: 978-014310-998-3 Category: Tag:
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