ISBN : 9788181582317 Category : ,

Manual of Jurisprudence for Forest Officers

A classic on Indian forest law, this book was out of print for several decades. Baden Powell’s notion of law and th eneed for its introduction for the effective managment and preservation of forests formed the basis for the formaulatio and implementation of the Indian Forest Act as it exists today.


The Manual not only incorporates details of forest law and relevant sections of civil and criminal procedure codes but also documents important legal understanding of fundamental aspects of forest administration in India.

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ISBN : 9788181582317 Category : ,

Manual of Jurisprudence for Forest Officers

A classic on Indian forest law, this book was out of print for several decades. Baden Powell’s notion of law and th eneed for its introduction for the effective managment and preservation of forests formed the basis for the formaulatio and implementation of the Indian Forest Act as it exists today.


The Manual not only incorporates details of forest law and relevant sections of civil and criminal procedure codes but also documents important legal understanding of fundamental aspects of forest administration in India.

ISBN 9788181582317 Categories ,
ISBN: 9788181582317 Categories: ,
ISBN: 9788181582317 Categories: ,
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