ISBN : 978-818158-234-8 Category : , Author :

Himalayan Gazetteer (3 Volume box set )


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The exhaustive three volume set of the Himalayan Gazetteer covers the historical, geographical and statistical account of the Himalayan districts. The first two volumes contain all matters affecting the entire Himalayan tract in the North-Western Provinces. The third volume gives the topographical, statistical and other local information for each fiscal sub-division and important tract, town or place, in the Kumaon, Garhwal, Terai, Dehra Dun and Jaunsar-Bawar districts.

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16.5 x 15.5 x 22.8 cm


history of the himalayas, statistical data, himalyan ecology, himalyan ethnography, physiology


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ISBN : 978-818158-234-8 Category : , Author :

Himalayan Gazetteer (3 Volume box set )


Out of stock

The exhaustive three volume set of the Himalayan Gazetteer covers the historical, geographical and statistical account of the Himalayan districts. The first two volumes contain all matters affecting the entire Himalayan tract in the North-Western Provinces. The third volume gives the topographical, statistical and other local information for each fiscal sub-division and important tract, town or place, in the Kumaon, Garhwal, Terai, Dehra Dun and Jaunsar-Bawar districts.

ISBN 978-818158-234-8 Categories , Tag
ISBN: 978-818158-234-8 Categories: , Tag:
ISBN: 978-818158-234-8 Categories: , Tag:
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