ISBN : 978-818158-252-2 Category : Author :

Approved Practices in Soil Conservation


“Conservationists learned a long time ago that each farm presents a different combination of problems compared to every other farm. This plan consists of a combination of practices especially designed to fit the different kinds of land, the climate, the adapted crops, the habits and desires of the farmer, markets, and many other factors. A combination of soil conservation practices that will work on one farm may not work at all on the farm right next door.
The purpose of this book is to present as specifically and simply as possible the techniques of planning, laying out and applying as many of the well-known soil and water conservation practises as possible. Supported with a fine set of photographs and illustrations, farmers and students of agriculture will profit greatly from a study of this text.

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22 x 15 x 2.5 cm




soil, agriculture


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ISBN : 978-818158-252-2 Category : Author :

Approved Practices in Soil Conservation


“Conservationists learned a long time ago that each farm presents a different combination of problems compared to every other farm. This plan consists of a combination of practices especially designed to fit the different kinds of land, the climate, the adapted crops, the habits and desires of the farmer, markets, and many other factors. A combination of soil conservation practices that will work on one farm may not work at all on the farm right next door.
The purpose of this book is to present as specifically and simply as possible the techniques of planning, laying out and applying as many of the well-known soil and water conservation practises as possible. Supported with a fine set of photographs and illustrations, farmers and students of agriculture will profit greatly from a study of this text.

ISBN 978-818158-252-2 Category Tag
ISBN: 978-818158-252-2 Category: Tag:
ISBN: 978-818158-252-2 Category: Tag:
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