Fiction – Independent Indian Publishing House


  • A short treatise on the art of tactical warfare, set in the Boer War (1899-1902), this classic piece of military fiction was published by Major General Ernest D Swinton when he was still a captain in 1904. The appropriately named Lieutenant N. Backsight Forethought (BF), a rookie commander of a platoon of fifty is tasked with defending a river crossing—Duffer’s Drift. Manifested in six dream scenarios and actions of a mortified BF, who learns a series of “lessons” at his expense, his final unconventional defence succeeds in routing the Boers. The book quickly acquired cult status on small unit tactics, and armies across the world have had it on their required reading lists for subsequent generations of young officers, including in India. It has also been translated into several languages. Swinton's style of literary fiction significantly impacted the writings of several authors in the military arena. While some contextual advice may be dated, the emphasis on critical thinking remains relevant, and the principles are evergreen. A must-read
  • One of the first collections by master storyteller, Ruskin Bond, this book, an absolute favourite with children across schools is back in print.
  • Patrol

    A superb novel about the men who fought in the North African Campaign. Major Tim Sheldon is an infantry officer in North Africa. He has been on many patrols. Now they've asked him to go on one more - the longest and most dangerous of all.  He could beg off, but he wont... This is the story of Sheldon and his squad, of their nightmare war of lost nerves. In this book, you will meet men not unlike other men except they are at war, and lost, and alone. And you will witness the workings of a certain quality, a human mystery that makes men rise to things they never thought they could do. This book is about that one attribute.