ISBN : 978-818158-334-5 Category : , Author :

Psychology and the Soldier


This edition marks the 120th Birth Anniversary Edition of this little gem on leadership that makes for mandatory reading for defence personnel across the world.

The first section focuses on “Psychology and Morale” with ten chapters on the development of military psychology and how it is applied to morale, moral education, discipline and military values. Morale, accordingly to Copeland is the ‘secret weapon’ and he insists that ‘physical superiority is not as important as moral superoirity.” How then can this most desirable of human qualities be acquired? According to Copeland, it depends ‘on an incalculable number of factors’, the first and strongest of which he considers is good leadership.

The seond section of this enlightening and well researched book talks about “psychology and leadership” – these next ten chapters focus on the role of the leader in the training and education of military individuals and units. Leadership is a way of life, acording to Copeland.

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ISBN : 978-818158-334-5 Category : , Author :

Psychology and the Soldier


This edition marks the 120th Birth Anniversary Edition of this little gem on leadership that makes for mandatory reading for defence personnel across the world.

The first section focuses on “Psychology and Morale” with ten chapters on the development of military psychology and how it is applied to morale, moral education, discipline and military values. Morale, accordingly to Copeland is the ‘secret weapon’ and he insists that ‘physical superiority is not as important as moral superoirity.” How then can this most desirable of human qualities be acquired? According to Copeland, it depends ‘on an incalculable number of factors’, the first and strongest of which he considers is good leadership.

The seond section of this enlightening and well researched book talks about “psychology and leadership” – these next ten chapters focus on the role of the leader in the training and education of military individuals and units. Leadership is a way of life, acording to Copeland.

ISBN 978-818158-334-5 Categories , Tag
ISBN: 978-818158-334-5 Categories: , Tag:
ISBN: 978-818158-334-5 Categories: , Tag:
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